AIMS State Championship!

Another incredible year of Archery in Mississippi Schools! 280 teams and 5200 students participated, with safety and fair judging done by Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks Officers. JR-Outback […]
How we say “Thank You” to those who make the Dixie National Rodeo possible.
Cowboys, Barrell Racers, Bull Riders, Arenas, Venders, Prize Money, Marketing, Security, and so many more logistics all have to come together just right to put on the largest rodeo east of the Mississippi River. These things don’t just come together by accident, but take a team of organizers and sponsors working for months to create the “Greatest Show on Dirt”.
Servin’ the South 2023 Recap
At J&R Outback, one of our core commitments is to give back to our communities. And in 2023, through both food and cash donations, we were able to feed and support BullRiders and Wish Givers, Motorcycle Riders and barrel racers, Turkey Hunters and Dog lovers, teachers, preachers, and Golfers, and of course our veterans and Police Officers.
BIB Friends of Vets Golf Tournament
They are called “the Friends of Mississippi Veterans”, and they truly live up to their name.
SuperHunt 2023- Bloomin’ is Boomin’
Kids just want to be kids, exploring the outdoors, going on adventures, and learning new things. For some kids, this is more challenging. That’s where SuperHunt comes in. Dozens of Mississippians volunteer their land, their hunting skills, their gear, and their time so that 100 kids with disabilities can experience the thrill of the hunt. SuperHunt even provides special wheelchair equipped trailers that operate as hunting blinds.
MADCAAP “Food for Thought” 2023
MadCAAP has one focus, eliminating poverty in Madison County. It’s a huge undertaking, and one they don’t try to face alone. One of their biggest events and best fundraisers is “Food for Thought”, where top restaurants from all over the area come together to bring their best offerings. Supporters buy a ticket and then can sample from all of the restaurants. 800 supporters showed up for a one of a kind tasting experience.
Metro Motors Skills 2023
Law Enforcement Officers are constantly working to make sure they are the very best at what they do, so they can serve and protect in every situation that comes their way. For motorcycle officers, that means being the best on the road, and training so that the bike becomes an extension of themselves.
Dixie National Rodeo Sponsor’s Lunch 2023
To bring a world class rodeo to town, sponsors are critical. So each year the Rodeo holds a special “first look” lunch for potential sponsors, so they can see what is coming and if they want to be a part of making the weeklong event a reality. But who do you call when you need a sponsor to feed the sponsors? J&R Restaurant Group and Outback Steakhouse.
The Retirement of Brigadier General Flowers
Our Servicemen and Servicewomen give their lives so the rest of us can live free. Brigadier General Flowers spent his career serving our country, so when we were asked to provide food to celebrate his retirement, we jumped at the chance. Saying thank you by serving those who serve us all is just one way we keep our communities bloomin’
Head Heart Hands Part 5 of 5 Finding Purpose When Wealth Doesn’t Deliver
At J&R, we understand that full commitment leads to happiness, and financial success brings freedom. That’s why we wholeheartedly lead with our hearts, knowing that wealth alone doesn’t guarantee happiness.